Baltic and East European Women’s History Network: Circulation and Transfer of Knowledge and Ideas across the Baltic Sea Region

Field: History, History of Ideas, Gender Studies
Project leader: Yuliya Yurchuk
Starting year: 2024
Project type: Research network
Total funding: SEK 150,000

The Baltic and East European Women’s History Network: Circulation and Transfer of Knowledge and Ideas across the Balic Sea Region aims to establish contacts and foster cooperation of researchers across different countries of Europe who study women’s and gender history of Baltic and East European countries. More specifically, the network is concentrated on research within cultural and intellectual women’s history and draws together scholars who are dealing with fields which are still understudied in the realm of women’s history in relation to the Baltic Sea region: history of science, history of ideas, history of knowledge, and history of education (including wone in church/religion education). The Network’s aim is to work forward to a better understanding of women’s role in production and circulation of ideas and knowledge in different societies across the region. The Network’s scholars focus on local, national, and transnational aspects of practices of knowledge production in which women play a central role. The Network aims to highlight the role of women in bringing a societal change in the region as well as cast light on the women’s role in intellectual exchange. The scholars from different countries will meet for discussing their own research and bringing forward ideas for further cooperation. As result of the activities, the Network will establish long-lasting work contacts and strengthen the field of the Baltic and East European women’s history.