Programme Statement 2020–2030

Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies


This Programme Statement states the focus of the funding provided by the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies. The Statement, which relates to the period from 2020 to 2030, is continuously followed up by the Board and evaluated after three years.


The aim of the Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies is defined in its Statutes. The overarching aim of the Foundation is: The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies’ support for research, doctoral studies and scientific infrastructure should generate research of the highest possible quality, at Södertörn University, in areas related to the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe.

Points of departure

  1. The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies is an independent organisation governed by the Swedish Foundation Act. The Foundation’s Board interprets and applies the Statutes.
  2. As a research funder, the Foundation has a distinct profile defined in its Statutes: its geographical area is specified, and its purpose is defined as supporting development of Södertörn University.
  3. The Foundation’s financial support must be related to the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe. This region comprises, the Baltic Sea and the states surrounding it and post-Communist Central, Southern and Eastern Europe. The Foundation does not fund research that exclusively concerns Sweden or Swedish conditions. However, support may be available for research relating to Sweden, or to countries entirely outside the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe, in comparative studies where this is scientifically justified.
  4. The Foundation funds research, doctoral studies and scientific infrastructure, and also activities that develop these areas at Södertörn University. This support may cover all disciplines.
  5. The Foundation can, on its own initiative, fund activities to promote research, doctoral studies and scientific infrastructure at Södertörn University.
  6. The Foundation can also support initiatives of external provenance related to the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe that take place in collaboration with researchers at Södertörn University.
  7. The Foundation works for sustainability and predictability in its forms of funding, clarity in communication, mutual respect, transparency and assessment of funding applications that ensures equal opportunities and fairness.
  8. Support may be provided following applications to the Foundation by researchers or research groups and/or directly to Södertörn University after an application from the Vice-Chancellor. The support given to researchers or research groups for research and doctoral studies after they have applied directly to the Foundation must constitute the greater part of the Foundation’s allocation of funds.

Within the framework of the customary requirements of scientific quality and relevance to the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe, four priorities clarify the intentions underlying the Foundation’s forms of support.


Today, all research is conducted in an international arena, and internationalisation is a means of enhancing quality in research and doctoral studies. The demand for internationalisation is emphasised by the Foundation’s focus on research in areas related to the Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Europe. Priority is given to support for international collaboration, network building and mobility of researchers and doctoral students. Other priorities of the Foundation are strategic alliances and updating of the forms of internationalisation.

The academic career – all stages

Creative research environments of high quality are distinguished not only by strong international networks but by a sound balance between a core of permanently employed researchers and an inflow of others employed in projects and engaged temporarily. This balance provides scope for innovative ideas, and is necessary for research environments to continue and develop. These environments are attractive to visiting researchers and external recruits. The Foundation prioritises support for all the various academic career stages and for strategic recruitments.

Scientific infrastructure

For high-quality research, sustainable infrastructure is essential. Growing digitisation is imposing new requirements on, and generating new opportunities and conditions for, research and dissemination of research results and data. Needs — for huge amounts of data to be stored, transferred and analysed, and to be accessible and reproducible — are growing rapidly. Access to suitable technology and laboratories of various kinds is crucial. The Foundation gives priority to supporting activities that strengthen scientific infrastructure.

Visibility and cooperation

A strong research environment is characterised by cooperation with the local community, dissemination of information about work in progress and practical use of research findings. These activities call for cooperation with all the relevant stakeholders both within and outside academia, abroad as well as in Sweden. The Foundation prioritises support for activities that improve accessibility, cooperation and visibility.