Extension of the grant availability period, changes in the project
Extension of the grant availability period
Applications for an extension of the grant availability period should be addressed to the Foundation’s secretariat. A grant recipient is entitled to an extended grant availability period if the project manager has been prevented by illness, parental leave, service in the Armed Forces or trade-union or political office from completing his or her research. Grant availability period can also be extended in the event of particular circumstances outside the applicant’s control that have affected the possibility to complete the project within the appointed time.
The application for an extended grant availability period must be submitted to the Foundation by e-mail by the project manager, with the grant administrator’s support. A statement specifying the particular reasons why, must be attached as well as a plan for how and when completion of the research project is intended to take place. You can find the form for application for change in an ongoing project at the bottom of the page.
Other changes in an ongoing project
In order to apply for larger changes in a project, such as:
- Change of project manager or project participant
- Changes of scientific character
- Larger changes in the project budget
use the form ‘Application for change in an ongoing project’, which you can find at the bottom of the page. The Foundation then makes a decision on these issues, after you as project manager have sent an application to the Foundation.
Contact the Foundation’s secretariat in case of changed contact information.
Send your application for change in an ongoing project to or contact in case of questions: Zofia Makowska, zofia.makowska@ostersjostiftelsen.se.
Ansökan om ändring i ett pågående projekt / Application for change in an ongoing project |