This project will launch a new network around the Baltic Sea region’s history to start working towards the critical cultural history of the region, which remains missing. The network will bring together humanities scholars, restoration and museum professionals to share recent research and create transnational connections between art and heritage by involving museums in Sweden, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Poland and Latvia. By setting up a research network with scholars and museum professionals, we will create a dynamic environment and scholars can access collections and archive material together with the experts and give way to new perspectives and strengthen interdisciplinary knowledge to be made. The project ́s main research interest is formulated in two larger research questions; How can we conceptualize the Baltic Sea region’s difficult histories through objects gathered in museums as closely connected and entangled? How does the revising of museum collections allow us to understand the social heritage of the region and its historical complexities in relation to the environment? The network´s first meeting of the core group will focus on creating a more detailed thematic and conceptual framework based on previous research and the participants’ work. The second, larger meeting will focus on presenting research, exchange between the participants, planning future collaboration and possible publications/research applications/exhibitions with partners.