Stiftelsen för forskning inom områden med anknytning till Östersjöregionen och Östeuropa

Fred, nya identitetskonstruktioner och kosmopolitiska, interkulturella lärandeprocesser i det globaliserade samhället. Ungas värderingar i Östersjöregionen: Tjeckien, Polen och Sverige.

Ämne: Internationell pedagogik
Projektledare: Katrin Goldstein-Kyaga
Startår: 2012
Projekttyp: Projekt

The aim of the project is to investigate if, and in that case, how new identity constructions and cosmopolitan, intercultural learning processes contribute to peaceful or hostile ethnic relations in the multicultural, global society from the point of departure of an investigation about young peoples’ values in the Baltic region: The Czech Republic, Poland and Sweden. The main questions are: How are the attitudes to nonviolence/violence influenced by informal as well as formal learning, including learning by means of media and Internet? How can the concepts positive peace and the new cosmopolitanism be related to each other? How can identity issues, experiences of social and economic injustices and minority politics be related to peaceful ethnic relations or the contrary? Which role does a long period of historical peace and democracy or experiences of war and dictatorships play for the development of peaceful values? The investigation will be carried out within the theoretical frame of cosmopolitanism, peace research and intercultural education. It will be conducted in four upper secondary schools in each country each differing regarding social status and ethnic origin of the pupils. The research starts with so called generative group conversations with young people in the schools, and the participants will be asked to discuss subjects such as peace, cosmopolitanism, new identity constructions and different forms for learning. Four generative group discussions will be held in each country. Then, 30 individuals will be sampled from the groups for deep interviews. Next step will be directed to discourse analyses of blogs and media representations created by the group members. The results of the generative conversations, the interviews and the analyses of media products will be the base for the construction of a questionnaire. In order to illuminate the differences and the relationships with social and cultural belonging the questionnaires will be collected in schools characterized by 1) high social status and few immigrants/ethnic minorities 2) high social status and many immigrants/ethnic minorities, 3) low social status and few immigrants/ethnic minorities and 4) low social status and many immigrants/ethnic minorities. All together 1500 questionnaires will be distributed in the three countries. Compilations and analyses will be carried out with the computer program Atlas for qualitative data analysis and the SPSS statistical computer program.