Stiftelsen för forskning inom områden med anknytning till Östersjöregionen och Östeuropa

The transnational practice of regionalisation: a multidisciplinary study of visions, measurements and sense making in the Baltic Sea Region

Ämne: Statsvetenskap, företagsekonomi, slaviska språk
Projektledare: Margrethe Sövik
Startår: 2009
Projekttyp: Projekt

The Baltic Sea Region – under transformation since the collapse of the Soviet Union – is clearly a region “in the making” which can be filled with different types of meaning, depending on the interests of the actors involved. The purpose of the project is to examine how transnational organizational practices contribute to the “concept” of Baltic Sea Region, more specifically within the four topical policy areas of 1) economic growth, 2) environment, 3) energy, and 4) culture. The focus will be on the constructive role of measurements and visions.

Previous research has acknowledged the importance of organizational practice in international governance. However, there is a need to further study that practices matter and how diverse regulatory activities contribute to the construction transnational regions. Theoretically, the project contributes to the literature on international governance by focusing the concrete practices that shape governance beyond the state. The methodological approach is qualitative. Empirical data will be generated through interviews, document analyses and participant observation. The project will study four cases within the policy areas on a micro-level, closely following the activities of four different Baltic Sea Region organizations.

This project will bring new empirical knowledge about the “making” of a region, and takes a novel and multidisciplinary approach to the problems of international governance.